What is it like in your home careing for your little one or not so little one? what do you think about as you change a diaper of a 10 year old who is obviosly going into puberty? Have you ever wondered what its is all for? Does she even know what we do for her? Does she know how much she has changed our lives? Will he ever know how much we love him?
Last week I heard something on 700 club that will forever change the way I see Megan and all children with different needs.
John Piper was on the show that day. For those who havnt heard about him...He is a man who died for like 90 minutes and visited Heaven. He said so much that was good, but it was when Gorden asked this question that I was made to be still. "Did you see any children in Heaven?" Johns answere was NO. John said that children are great but they arnt much on fellowship. He said that he belives that we are all fully developed in Heaven. Do you hear what I hear? Angels singing! DO YOU HEAR WHAT I HEAR? When Megan is in Heaven she will KNOW and be FULLY KNOWN! We will connect in a way My heart has longed to connect! She will be able to tell us all the things she has known,but could not express. We have a daughter that has gone to Heaven 21 years ago. Her name is Sierrah. I have always looked forward to seeing her and having fellowship with her, but I have not thought about the great healing that will take place when we finally reach our eternal destination! Glory be to God! She will know me, and I will know her. Your child little or big, verbal or non verbal, tormented with fear, or stuck in wheel chair! All these conditions TEMPORARY!In Heaven our children will be fully developed, and at peace! they will know us and we will know them Known and fully known.
1 Corinthians 13:12 (New International Version)
12 Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.