I'm looking forward to this new year as I slowly putting away all of last years sparkles and ornaments. Its been a really hard but good year. Every year as I put away Christmas I never put away my joys. REALLY I keep them out... all year long. This started about 3 or more years ago when I decided I was going to collect Joy. After all everyone collects something right? This year I am thinking of not putting away my peace, my faith, or my love. Yeah I think I'll start collecting those too. As I am putting away last year I'm thinking on the lessons I have learned so I am careful to keep those out too.
Right now I'm remembering a couple weeks before Christmas and decided I wanted to share a thought I had with you. after all you are my very favorite!
I was honored to be invited to a very special show. It wasn't the best light show. It didn't have any headliners that people would know (not to many any way) The band was off time and didn't seem to have there gig together,and the announcer didn't have the poise of Miss America....But still I was honored to sit in the EXTRAORDINARY Picollo school multipurpose room and watch as one by one children would take there place as the star.
I don't think I have ever been more moved or had my breath be so taken away. Tears filled my eyes as I had what might be the biggest and most important revelation of my entire life.
The revelation you ask? Simple my friend it is this one small thing.
We as human beings on this great planet earth all want to be significant. We all want to matter, and whats more important to catch in all this is We all do matter.
I watched as children who couldn't sing would stand on stage or sit in a wheel chair and do what ever they could. They all were moved in someway by the music and when they were done with their turn they would go off stage taller and prouder than when they first went on. I saw them light up and really sit up taller. I watched as parents sat in that room and clapped and rejoiced at what their kids and these kids could do. It wasn't a night of seeing disabilities It wasn't a night of seeing what has crippled our kids. No it was much more than that. God has made every single one of them for His great purpose just like Hes made everyone. When I thought about this for a while I really believe a wall came down in my heart. We are all so much more alike than different. we all want to be loved, to be treated as an equal, to have a friend even if that doesn't look the same in every ones life.
I understand that this may not be a new thought or some great revelation for you. You may have all ready walked in this before. To me It was life changing. I have been Megan's mommy for 11 years and in that roll I have been nurturer, disciplinarian, and advocate....ah but what a greater advocate I can be for her if I can stand face to face and embrace her as a whole entire person,What a greater advocate I can be for her if I can see her as even more than I have before. My sister in Christ and fellow human walking side by side. I was honored to be at the greatest show ever that night, but I am so very honored to get to help Megan find her significance in this world. I want more than ever to change the worlds view of these kids specially as my view is ever changing. Thank you so much for listening. O and hey have a very wonderful and prosperous new year! I will be back soon
In His LOVE Arlene