Good afternoon friends and FAMILY :)
I hope this month has reminded you about the many things to be thankful for in your life. I know it has me. I have learned to be thankful for things that used to be taken for grantet by me and many other parents.
years ago before Meg was diagnosed our family was involved (to say the least) in a church. We would go up to 5 services a week sometimes. I sang on the worship team and David set up and did sound. Before that we were very involved in children's ministry. For 16 years we were about the fathers work. We are still about the Fathers work, however the work is more at home then any where else. Six or so years ago God had moved us to Summit. It was hard for us to leave a very familiar and comfy place even to come to to place as sweet and healthy as Summit. We have struggled as a family and have gone through allot of changes.
Church has been different and just getting to one service a week as a family has been a dream for us. At times we have gone to one service a month because we have to take turns going. Meg and Caili have difficult times and have different issues. Both our daughters have autism. Caili has over come so much that it takes a trained eye to see that in her. Meg on the other hand at 12 skips and screeches. (Need I say more)
At times when Meg was younger we would leave church with her screaming and screaming! Her arms flailing and tears flowing. I'm thankful for Teri and others who have helped us feel welcomed and valued even in the midste of these fits. Meg has started having more seizures a couple of years ago so attending church and other activities became more rare for us as a family.
We belong to a life group, but have missed allot of meetings. Its easy to feel isolated. Its easy to feel alone.
Some people may have been okay with taking turns or going to church once a month....but hearing meg weep and cry out " I'm sad about church!" would not let me accept this way of life. I believe that God has called us to be over comers and not just survivors. I believe that God My Father desires for Meg to be at church.
Canvas is the service we go to as a family. God has made a way.
We still do not make it every week as a family but it is happening more and more. Meg is so happy to be there and now my mom has started coming and daughter in law too! Meg sings the songs and yells out yeah and hallelujah!
Canvas is like having a little church inside of a big church. I know there are many stories inside of the people at Canvas , and this is just about one. After all isn't that what spreading the gospel is about? Its about the one sheep. Its not about how many come to church its about reaching the one. Meg is only one, but I am another her sister still another and her dad and her grandma .... reaching the one has touched so many more. I am thankful to attend church as a family and to hear Meg sing out to God! I am thankful for a healthy church that is about the Fathers work.
I am thankful to belong to a body of beleivers that are focused on investing in and building up the KINGDOM of God here on Earth. I have to go now Remember to keep your eyes open for opertunities to be thankful in the little things.I know I will.
In His LOVE Arlene