1 John 1v9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (unless you have autism)
I know not funny huh? IT doesn't say that! IT says if we confess our sins HE will FORGIVE us and cleanse us of any unrighteousness!!!! O my for real?
Megan has many behaviors MANY that would be considered unrighteous. Just because she has autism doesn't mean she gets to just walk around with these behaviors! She has to be taught what's right and what's not just like any other kid. YES in some ways Meg is just like any other kid. She is 13 , loves music and is now boy crazy! She has good behaviors and bad. She makes choices every day... good and bad. If she hits she has to go to her room. AFTER the behavior when she is calm sometimes she is able to reason through, sometimes she's not. For years I would lead her in repentance ...Meg say this " Jesus thank you that you love me." "Thank you that you forgive me." I'm sorry I hit ____________ . Please forgive me and heal me so I will not hit when I am mad. In Jesus name amen. FOR years I have walked her through this! Just this last week she has been saying stuff like" I'm sorry for hitting my door" or "I get mad sometimes" I believe that God can and will heal her maybe NOT of autism itself (whatever that may be) BUT of acting out bad behaviors. Meg has gone through so much and has come so far. Gods word does not return void. We have used scripture ... I figure hey if He can transform me with His word why not her? HIS word is settled in Heaven ...It doesn't say unless you have autism! His word says HE saves those who call on Him..... It doesn't say unless they have autism ...right? Megs favorite scripture is God has not given me a spirit of fear but love power and sound mind! I do not know all things even about autism or why she has it.... BUT I do know that GOD has not given her a spirit of fear BUT love power and SOUND MIND! I know that God did not make Megan to be tormented... He has made her on purpose in my whom He has plans for her NOT to harm her.That's what HIS word says so that's where I am placing my faith! God has never lied nor will ever do so. His word is true and always solid. I know sometimes its hard to believe His word when emotions are all over the place yelling in your face. I know that the enemy lies to you and tells you this child is part of some cruel punishment for past sins, and that there is no cure. I know that deep inside your heart you long for your child to be healed and whole but are afraid to even ask. I know this because I have been there. DEAR ONE Your child is a GIFT from God. The stuff that comes with autism is NOT. I'm going to be bold here and say autism is a disease, and GOD does not give disease! God heals. DID you hear me dear one? GOD HEALS! Ask Him today to walk you to the place of faith so you can fight for your child. Speak His word considering your child and ask Him to heal ..... ALL though I do not know what that looks like in your life all the way I know it looks good and If you ask Him to show you He will. I must go now so until next time Keep your eyes on JESUS! ....
In His LOVE Arlene
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